Tralee Bay Wetlands together with Kerry County Museum will mark and celebrate St Bridget’s Day tomorrow Tuesday, February 1st 2022.
We invite you to commemorate the day with us and learn to make traditional St. Brigid’s crosses in our wetlands. You will discover where the rushes grow and a hear about their heritage and role in their habitat. Join Alan Balfe, Centre Ecologist for Tralee Bay Wetlands and Claudia Kohler and Hazel Ramsey of Kerry County Museum to learn more and go on a most interesting guided walking tour of the wetlands, collecting rushes on route, to make your very own St Bridget’s Day cross afterwards for your home.
Time: 3pm on Tuesday, 1st February 2022
Cost: Free
Duration: 1 hour
Did You Know?
Lá Fhéile Bríde is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals, along with Bealtaine (1st May), Lughnasadh (1st August) and Samhain (1st November). It occurs roughly halfway between the winter and spring solstice and some passage tombs in parts of the country are aligned with the sunrise around the time of celebration.
In modern times Imbolc begins the evening of February 1st and ends the evening of February 2nd but many believe that it would have been more fluid in ancient times and celebrated in response to seasonal cues that heralded the first signs of the lands waking from the slumber of winter.
The days namesakes are the St. Brigid of Kildare and the also the pre-Christian Goddess Brigid, the name itself is thought to mean “exalted one”. Both women, the saint and the goddess, are associated with wisdom, poetry, healing, protection, blacksmithing and livestock.