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News and Events at Tralee Bay Wetlands Eco & Activity Park

Science Week 2019 at Tralee Bay Wetlands

Science Week 2019 will focus on climate action, seeking to help people understand climate change, how science and technology can help us create a positive climate future and the impact we as individuals can have on climate change.

Climate Change and Bees

Date: Sunday, 10th November 2019

Time: 2:30pm

Duration: 1 hour

Learn about the driving forces behind climate change, how we are affecting the climate and how Ireland is trying to mitigate our effects and how climate change is affecting our native bee population.

This talk is joined by Ger Scollard who will further discuss the effects of climate change on our local wildlife.

This event is suitable for all ages, children & adults and attendees will learn more about the issues climate change present, how we as individuals are affecting our climate and what Ireland as a country is hoping to do and achieve to try reduce these effects.

It will also look closely on the effects climate change is having on our native bee population and biodiversity.

It will be jointly presented by Alan Balfe, centre wildlife officer and educational co-ordinator and Ger Scollard, Irish Wildlife Trust, Kerry Branch. This event will be hosted at Tralee Bay Wetlands Eco & Activity Park Exhibition Room, and will commence at 2pm.


Waste & Wildlife

Date: Tuesday, 12th November 2019

Time: 4pm

Duration: 1 hour

This event will look at and discuss how an increase of waste is adversely affecting our native biodiversity.  This event will look at what can we do as individuals to protect our biodiversity, and also take a look at ways other countries are dealing with this issue.

Discuss how an increase of waste is adversely affecting our native biodiversity from material extraction to its disposal and ways countries and people are combating waste.

This event will be jointly presented by Alan Balfe, centre Wildlife Officer & Educational Co-Ordinator & Ger Scollard, Irish Wildlife Trust, Kerry Branch.



For Science Week we will be discussing trees and their impotence in our environment and how to help combat climate change. If you have trees nearby we will investigate closely at how much biodiversity one tree can hold.


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