Discover Our Wetlands

From freshwater swamps and reedbeds to saltmarsh and mudflats


An initiative designed and planted in 2019. This area is to demonstrate how easy it is to increase biodiversity, store carbon and offer our visitor a delicious treat. The area was planted in conjunction with our first bee talk and we are very grateful to all who helped to plant this area.

We have also stopped cutting the grass at the around here as well and an immense amount of clover flowered adding to the nectar that our pollinators were able to collect. Initial plating of the orchard consisted of cherries, apples, crap apples, pear, black/white/red current, red/green gooseberries and a raspberry. Since then we have added a Victoria plum a yellow raspberry and jostaberries. We will continue to add lots more in the coming years so pop by for a bite.

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